Sunday, August 24, 2008

Battle: Flank Steak, part II

Sorry, no picture this time, but it looked alot like the first, minus the sauce-yness :) The second recipe was for a lime marinade, see below. It was pretty tasty, the meat was nice and juicy as prepared (but not saucy like the first recipe). The lime flavor was present, but not overpowering. I'd definately make it again as it was pretty simple, but I think next time I'd try it in some tacos!

For my 1 serving of flank steak (~1/4lb), I used the following for the lime marinade:
juice of 1 lime
1/2T soy sauce
1/2 scallion, thinly sliced
1/2T fresh ginger (I keep little pieces of peeled ginger in the freezer and just grate it when I need it)
dash of red pepper flakes

marinate in the fridge (i used a plastic bag) for 30min-1hr, turning once or twice. Then get grilling! :)

Phew, I came in to work to, well... work, so now I should get to it!

1 comment:

  1. sounds delicious. I love Asian marinades with flank steak for some reason. this would be yummy with skirt steak, too.
