This frittata had two ingredients that screamed "MAKE ME," so I listened :) Head over to Dani Spies to check out this recipe for a Butternut Quinoa Frittata. I think I cooked the squash a bit longer, so it didn't hold it's shape as nicely as in Dani's photograph. Regardless of how it looked, it was much enjoyed-- great combo of flavors in this dish! Oh, I used gorgonzola as I much prefer that to blue cheese. Sorry for the lackluster slice i'm serving up
And one more treat for today... Heather gave me the Superior Scribbler Award!! I don't know that I'm quite worthy, but here's the deal...

1. Post the award on your blog
2. Link to me for giving it to you
3. Link the originating post here
4. Pass it on to five deserving people
5. Post these rules for your recipients.
I have such a hard time picking just a few! What I think that really means is that I read too many blogs :) Based on the award, I am passing this award on to...
A couple roses :)
--Rose @ On A Lobster Placemat: her oatmeal is so creative I wouldn't be able to eat it! I love the stories that accompany every bowl :)
--Rosiecat @ Life, Love, and Food: her kitchen conversations and beautifully written posts almost outshine the recipes she so lovingly shares! (i said almost!!)
--Shauna @ Gluten-Free Girl: the tagline food-stories-recipes-love says it all! I highly doubt she knows my blog exists, but the way she writes always brings a smile and some inspiration!
and two fitness-inspirations
--Carla (Miz) @ Mizfit: along with the bumbling band, she makes me think way too hard that early in the morning!! but i love every minute of it.
-- Angela @ OhSheGlows: I stumbled upon her blog all of 5 days ago and quickly realized it's chock-full of inspiration :)
Ooooh, this sounds awesome! I recently discovered frittatas but have yet to make one with quinoa & butternut squash!
What a wonderful combination of flavors! Congrats on the award.
Gorgeous frittata- I love the unique ingredients!
The frittata looks wonderful! Congrats on the award too!
I just clicked over to that frittata recipe and it sounds SO good! What a great holiday breakfast idea! Or make mini versions for an appetizer...oh the possibilities. I like gorgonzola better too :)
A rose for you, ttfn300!
Thank you for the award and most of all for the kind words. I love the image of the Superior Scribbler! Awesome.
I'll take my cue from you and pass along the award to some worthy scribblers.
How was the texture of your frittata? I get nervous about rubbery eggs in frittatas, so I haven't done much experimentation with them...
DEFINITELY 2 wonderful ingredients. Congrats on the award :)
Bridget- love the appetizer idea :)
Rosiecat- thanks! hehe, the texture was different than a normal frittata due to the high proportion of quinoa. Lighter perhaps, almost giving it more volume w/out weighing it down... you could always scale it back for a single serving just in case ;-) or share for brunch!!
I LOVE frittatas- the look and sound so fancy but they are so easy. and you can pretty much put anything in them and they turn out delicious
Kelly Turner
That frittata sounds really good, love everything in it. Congrats on your award, gluten-free girl is one of my faves too.
Congrats on your award. That's a cool new one I've never seen before.
Frittata with butternut squash sounds like an instant match to me :)
That does sound good. Nice way to enjoy some quinoa.
I love blog reading in the morning because it motivates me. and I so wasnt thinking of skipping my workout today (*glances down to see she is still in her pj's*)
Im off.
Mmmm ... squash, quinoa AND eggs!!! Super YUM!
I will listen too and bookmark this great recipe!!
Have a great day!
it looks delicious!!!!!!!
congrats on the award~~~~~~
Whohoo!!! Thanks for the award! :) You are too sweet!!
Now if I could just figure out how to do this...(I'm so bad at these things) haha
Love your blog!!
YUM - looks great! congrats on the award!
Hmmm...I see you have already won the Superior Scribblers award. However, I am too lazy to change my mind, so you're getting it again from me :)
Congratulations on the blog award!
I've never made a fritatta. Too intimdating. :D
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