It was my first time trying millet, and it was good, reminded me alot of quinoa. Which, apparently can be substituted in the recipe if you have that on hand! Anyone else tried millet? This is also another great dish that can be made ahead of time. The tartness of the cranberries and the sweetness of the squash made for a nice pairing. So go check out the recipe! I'll have to do a more formal review of the book once I can pick out some more recipes... too many that sound fabulous!
In the mean time, this image came as part of an email advertising winter cycling wear and I thought it was hillarious!!

I have never had millet but that dish looks great! I really want to buy a vegetarian cook book!
Great dish!! I have yet to try any of the recipes from that Bittman cookbook - it's been on my shelf for ages...
Haha!! Funny ad :-D
I haven't had millet other than in porridge. It's such a great grain. I'll have to make this baked dish.
Did you know that it helps to sleep? :D
I've never had millet! It sounds great with squash and cranberries, yum!
I've never made millet, but there's a dish I love that features it. It's from a vegan restaurant in NYC called Candle Cafe. Layers of millet, black beans and sweet potato - amazing. Here's the recipe -
I haven't tried millet, but I always have plenty of quinoa on hand. Sound delicous.
Love millet and use it quite a bit. You might want to try this millet pilaf for something quick and easy--so far, it's always gotten positive reviews! Now I need to go look through my Bittman book a little more closely. . .
I have never had millet before. YUM!
Ohhh I remember seeing that recipe on Heidi's website. Sounds really delicious.
Hope your enjoying the snow today!!
looks fantastic!
I've never had millet, but now I will definitely try it! :) Thanks for the new idea.
Looks fantastic - I will most certainly give it a whirl! By the way, I finally responded to your stevia question on my 101 Foods blog - sorry for the delay. In a nutshell, I don't think stevia translates well in baked items. Much better off using agave or honey. Thanks for the post!
Never tried it - but it looks good in this dish!
I don't think I have tried millet. I haven't really had many whole grains as of late. Just laziness I guess.
The recipe sound delicious though!
Btw, cute ad, lol ;)
love millet!
and I had no idea it helps to sleep...gonna cram, err, offer it to my toddler :)
I love unique grains like millet, quoina and the like. So much more intersting than plain ol' rice. (Though I do like me some rice, too!)
I have not tried millet. It's on my long to-try list.
I've had millet prepared for me, but never made it myself. It looks great!
Now I am going to have to look for some millet to try!
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