**Disclaimer: This was only what I did the month before my first tri, this is not a training plan for everyone! It's just meant to provide an example, a starting point that you might adjust to your own needs.**
I'm not a great swimmer, I blame the tube they "accidentally" left in my ear until college. When I first got into the pool I was used to keeping my head above water. See, aren't you feeling better already? It took me a few times to finally get back into keeping my head in the water, and when I first started I couldn't do more than a lap or two without stopping to catch my breath. The more I swam, the more comfortable I felt, and the longer I was able to swim without feeling completely winded. Bilateral breathing is something that I'm still working on. The two workouts I aimed for the following:
1- 200m warm up, 800m straight, 200m cooldown
2- 200m warm up, 3x50m as fast as I could 30sec rest, 100m, 200m [optional], 3x50m as fast as I could 30sec rest
I have two speeds (that I can tell), my normal pace, and then what I perceive as alot of effort for the 50m sprints. The faster pace is one that I cannot keep for 100m, despite my efforts. I have started to incorporate some kicking laps, as I noticed my legs are lazy when I'm just going at a normal pace for awhile. Maybe that's ok since I'd like to save some energy for the bike and run? I really need to take some lessons to improve my form!
When shown in minutes, this was a spinning class. When marked in miles, I was able to get out for a ride on my bike. I have a tendency to push myself more in a spinning class, as I'm still getting used to a road bike and now clipless pedals. I actually haven't done a tri with the pedals yet, so no, you don't need them!
It was strange to run so little, but you don't really need to be running every day. Apparently my runs consisted of tempo runs (in orange, I just tried to keep a challenging pace for 2-3mi with a .75mi warmup and cooldown) and brick workouts. More on bricks in a second. I did my tempo runs at the track with a watch.
Wait, what are we building? This term is actually used to describe the transition between the bike and the run (T2). As in, your legs feel like bricks. I'd say it's essential to try this at least once beforehand so you know what to expect. Hop off your bike, put on your running shoes, and go. No really, move! :) It really feels like you're going nowhere! Does it get easier? MMmm, I don't know if I have a good answer to that one yet!
A Few More Notes
I like to strength train, and you can see I didn't give that up. What I tried to do is complement the workouts I was already giving my legs and shoulders. You'll also notice PT on my calander, this just refers to exercises I learned going to physical therapy, aimed to strengthen my knees/thighs/hips and prevent injuries. This is serving as a great reminder to be better about these :)
Another thing I noticed is that I didn't have many true rest days. However, my strength training wasn't intense, and most workouts were under 45min in duration. Do you need to work out every day? Definitely not! And I don't know if I'll be able to follow such a schedule this summer. While I'm going to try to swim, bike and run 2x/week, there will be days I have no time, and days when I have more. My approach will be to try and double up-- maybe a spinning class in the morning before work and a 30min swim at lunch time or after work. Or follow up a run on a hot day with a jump in the pool (wouldn't that feel nice?). Hopefully I will also have time for my new love--Body Pump (called Group Power in my current gym), which is weight lifting in class form. But we'll see how it all shakes out!
My philosophy is not to stress if you miss a workout-- I plan in enough variety and quality workouts, that I will be prepared :) Training for a sprint tri is completely do-able with a busy schedule. I really don't know if I'd be able to manage training for an olympic distance tri, though. Maybe some day!!
Ok, next up I'll compile some tips and answer all your questions. Let me know if you have any others since my first post! I was a bit on the fence about adding these pictures, as I haven't been as good with my eating of late and don't quite look like that right now ;) I'm hoping that they provide me the motivation to get back on track and re-focused on enjoying life!
Awesome pics! Sounds like a good plan.
VERY cool- thank you for all the info. Especially liked the calendar and the fun pics from your race
What a great break down of your training! Ad great picture's, too...
I really liked this post! Thanks for all the info...I've never done a tri but it's something in the back of my mind to do someday.
Thanks for sharing your plan.
Great pictures! Distance swimmers don't use their legs much, so you're right to save them for your biking and running! A tri is definitley a distance event :)
You're pretty organized about it all! That's awesome!
Tell me about your ear. What was that about??!?!?!!
Triathletes are three times as crazy as runners! This spring, my goal is to get back into running shape so I can enjoy long runs on the weekends. I'm not in terrible shape right now, but I'd like to be more fit than I am.
Very cool post, Shannon. What are your fitness goals for this summer?
So cool that you did that (and stayed so organized in the process :))
thanks for the tips, do you love your clipless? I just got mine in april and I feel so much faster and powerful especially on the hills!
Great post! I love reading about what other sporty peeps are up to when they train and whatnot. I also loved the pics! And hey, as someone who went from running 50+mi/week to sitting with a cast for 6weeks, and only now just running nearly 6 months later - I totally don't look now like I did then, but we morph and change all the time, and it's O.K.! :)
Love the pics! I did one tri - about 3 years ago. I am not a good swimmer either.
You should have seen the look of relief on my husbands face when I got out of the water and I didn't drown!
After that leg he could relax. :D
Yikes. That's intense. I've been trying to get back into a workout routine (I slacked off a bit in Utah...) and the running's been killing me!
I can imagine adding swimming and running to the mix! Kudos to you!
Wow...that looks packed..with lots of hard work O.O
Whew, I was startled at first with that schedule, but then I felt better. You're right about training every day not being the best, so I'd prob throw a couple rest days in there.
I think you'll do great, and you seem to know your body real well, which is the most important part.
The chiropractor in me wants to check out your arches and feet, because with all this mileage, we have to make sure you're all 'lined up' to avoid knee/hip/back pain :)
you GrOw girl!
where are you swimming? tell me not outside?
Wow - very interesting. I hope you kick butt on this year's tri! :)
Very cool. Totally agree that sprint tri's are a very doable distance and I've done them on less training than that! In my humble opinion sprint tri's are won on the bike.
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