Sunday, November 15, 2009

San Francisco

Finally, more pictures from last weekend!

The scene below was featured on a tv show... anyone recognize it???

From the Ferry Building...
Winter Spice Tea


Buddha's Hands

Persimmons as far as the eye could see!
(I so wanted to take a box of these home in my luggage!!!)

And more from around the city...

Flax crackers with avocado, tomato & Basil (from Alive)

The Golden Gate Bridge
from our Saturday morning run (thanks for the picture Meghann)

Nature's Pride Brunch

Trolley car

the setting sun peeking through the trees


the loot

Some amazing people (I was bad at taking pictures with people, I apologize to those I should've insisted on catching!)

Me & Tina

And finally, pictures (from Sabrina and Tina) of my Nature's Pride demo.

Thanks again Foodbuzz and Nature's Pride!!!!


  1. Haha, love the "Full House" set photo :-D

    AWESOME time!! Wish I could have been there to show my support.

  2. Yes! Full House! How could I forget. San Fran is awesome! I spent about 7 of my childhood years there! I saw those crazy lemons at Whole foods- they smell incredible. Happy Sunday

  3. awesome pics, wished I coulda gone! thanks for sharing them with us!!!!

  4. Wow! Looks absolutely amazing - all the photos and everything!

  5. Definitely recognized the scene from Full House! I watched it all the time because I'm a twin, and my sister and I thought MK & A were so cool. :-)

    Congrats on having your recipe featured at the festival. It looks sooo good!

  6. I love that I keep seeing pictures of that Buddha's Hand on FoodBuzz blogs! We're all fascinated by strange-looking produce :)

    It was great to talk to you at the brunch! See you next year!

  7. It was great to meet you and I'm glad we got to chat a bit at brunch. Love your pics from San Fran. Check out my blog for a great giveaway!

  8. Love the pics! I bought some persimmons in China Town today :)

  9. Oh, how lovely! Looks like an amazing and delicious trip all around. :)

  10. I love the photos. I can tell you had such a great time!

  11. What a fantastic trip... I can't wait to make your savory pumpkin bread pudding!

  12. so many good shots!! ok did you guys seriously do the 14 mile run to the bridge and back??? WOW crazy ladies!! lol mad props to you guys~

  13. Steph- heck no! haha, it was the view from a pier ~2.25mi from the hotel :)

  14. I love SF! Glad you had such a fun time.

  15. Oh Shannon! I love your pics! Buddha's hands? So cool! And I love persimmons - I can remember when my grandmother used to feed me them and I haven't had one since :( Thanks for reminding me to get some! And that's totally the Full House opener - too cute! You looked adorable making your bread pudding. I knew you'd be wonderful!

  16. Great pictures (and yay for Full House!). You look so cute in you Nature Pride's apron too :)

  17. What great pictures! And congrats on your Nature's Pride demo!

  18. I was almost afraid to say Full House out loud... we're going getting old are we? :)

    Glad you had fun, it looks like a fantastic place. You prob still dig your snow though :)

  19. Fabulous photos, especially the Painted Ladies :) We got so lucky with beautiful weather.

  20. Sounds like you had a nice trip to SFO Shannon.

  21. The Buddahs Hands are incredible :) Gorgeous!!

    Full House.. best show of my life. for real.

  22. YAY Full House!!!! San Fran looks amazing, its somewhere I've wanted to visit for soooo long!!! And congrats again on your Nature's Pride trip!

    I joined BSC in Woburn, they offered a gold pass and with a 2 year contract it was $49/month. With that one, Woburn is my home gym and I can use other BSC's in off peak hours. Not cheap but definintely less than I thought, and so far way worth it! Before I was paying 29.99/month at WOW (work out world) and I hated being at that place.

    Have a great day!!

  23. I just read that John Stamos (yum) got a star on the sidewalk - I can't remember what those are called - walk of fame? Dunno. But yay! Uncle Jessie!
    Looks like a beautiful time Shannon!

  24. guys look so cute! Awesome trip - go Nature's Pride!


    i wish i could have gone to foodbuzz, it looks awesome and i am so glad you had a good time!

  26. Your pictures are awesome! I am SO happy that you had such a great trip.


    And I'm jealous! I've always wanted to go to SF.

  28. What a fun trip! I love San Fran and wish I could live there!

  29. Shannon, you are so modest. I did not know you were one of the Nature's Pride winners. I feel silly as I didn't get a chance to try your tasty creation. Can you post your recipe please?

  30. It was great meeting you at the Foodbuzz festival! We are both looking forward to next year!

  31. I agree. You are way too modest. :) BTW, sorry for being such a flake. I know you gave me an award and I promise it will be in my next post! Things are just a little nutty right now at work, but they finally seem to be calming down again.

  32. Ahhhh full house memories! Love it.

    It looks like you had such an awesome time. Beautiful photos. That bread pudding still appeals to me. SO MUCH.

  33. Full House! How rude ;)

    Congrats on your success. It looks like it was an amazing time.

  34. I wanted to see the full house street :)

    great pictures! I wish we could go back!

  35. So many beautiful pictures - looks like an awesome trip!
