Friday, February 26, 2010

Acai Berry Jam

I am a sucker for new/interesting products, and am trying to make a concerted effort to use more of the ingredients I have on hand, as there are quite a few! One of these ingredients (moved from Philly, unopened) was a jar of acai powder (fyi, it's cheaper on amazon) that I unearthed from the depths of my cupboard.

I happened to come across a recipe for Acai Berry Jam that I knew I'd have to try. Better yet, I had some some chia seeds purchased on sale, still waiting to be used. A fun way to use these ingredients, and a mild yet tasty jam that beats a lot of jarred ones :) I can't wait to add it to a slice of toast with almond butter!!

Acai Berry Jam

Have you tried acai powder? What's your favorite way to use it?


  1. I haven't tried acai powder but I'm putting it on my shopping list as I simply must try this acai berry jam! I usually get the frozen acai and make smoothies & acai bowls.

  2. That is a very nice photo! I like how the light just rakes across the spoon ;-)

  3. I have never tried acai powder or even acai anything! Have to try it for sure! That jam looks fantastic.

  4. I haven't tried acai powder, but now I want to!

  5. i've never tried acai berry anything before, amazing considering it is so popular these days! that jam looks gorgeous

  6. you're such a good girl. i need to be more healthy like you. hell no i won't run and do all the sport jock stuff you do, but I should make more healthy foods like you.

  7. I haven't tried Acai. I don't think there's any available here. Happy Weekends!

  8. Oh wow, I have never tried acai powder but I actually really want to try chia seeds too haha. I might have to try this recipe.

  9. Um, send a big-ass jar over? Wow. That is so intriguing! Did you spread it on toast?

  10. I've never tried acai powder before, but what a cool ingredient and perfect way to use it - your jam sounds fabulous!

  11. Hi Shannon! Acai berries are one of those things that yes, they are popular but I just dont love em. I know, I must be weird :) But the jam does look sooo good, you may have converted me :)

  12. Ooh yum! I absolutely love acai berry products, but I've never tried the powder. This jam looks delicious though (and it's not always an easy thing to make jam look particularly appetizing!).


  13. I haven't tried acai powder yet, but I love acai sorbet with bananas and granola. Used to get it daily a couple of years ago!

  14. Yeah acai berry jam is the new concept of having acai supplement. I simply must try this acai berry jam! I usually get the frozen acai and make smoothies & acai bowls. it is so popular these days! that jam looks gorgeous........
    Get detail about Colon Cleanse and Acai Berry

  15. I haven't tried acai powder yet, but I love acai sorbet with bananas and granola. Used to get it daily a couple of years ago!
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