Sunday, October 10, 2010

Checking In...

Some days it seems strange to me that I don't have any console tables in my current apartment.  We've always had one in front of the couch, and on the side of dad's chair, but when I moved to Boston I decided I'd rather have the open space.  Why am I telling you this?  Because CSN is giving me an opportunity to review a product, and I'm thinking of getting a table next to my couch...  decisions, decisions!  Stay tuned for a product review ;)

I also wanted to thank everyone who took time to vote for me along the journey that was Project Food Blog.   There was some stiff competition and in the end my dinner party didn't have enough guests ;)  I've got some goodies coming soon, but I'm going to try and catch up on some much-needed sleep.   I'll leave you with a picture from my lastest creation...  thanks to my friend Adeeb for taking photos, you'll see many more in an upcoming post!

Name that ingredient!


  1. I was so sorry to see you didn't move on to the next round! Rest up chica...I think you have some winter squash recipe creating in your future... hint hint.

  2. Taro?!

    I'm bummed you didn't advance to the next round, but darn girl - you did a great job with all of the previous challenges :)

  3. Congratulations on your amazing creations up to this point! Sorry you didn't move to the next round. . . will look forward to your non-PFB creations coming up! :)

  4. Aw, that stinks! I voted for you :)


  5. Sadly mine didn't either. I will say I was incredibly bummed but with so many amazing entries it's hard to feel that bad when so many other amazing bloggers such as yourself didn't make it through.

    And that is totally nutmeg.

  6. Aww, how sad :( Your menu was so creative!

    I'm going to say nutmeg because that's what Kelly said :)

  7. I was sad that you didn't continue on! Your dinner party was full of deliciousness. I probably wouldn't of guessed nutmeg but it does look like it.

  8. I'm sorry you didn't make it. I would have loved to attend your dinner party.

    P.S. Those CSN things are too funny. I love your creative approach to including the link.

  9. Your amazing pumpkin roll post showed up in reader but not on your blog! I had to comment to tell you to come to SLC and make me a batch!!

  10. I'm so sorry about pfb :( Get some rest though! And I do agree with the previous guesses on nutmeg!
