Thursday, January 13, 2011

Greens Strata

I love a good breakfast dish.  And after seeing the same strata pop up on two of my favorite blogs, I knew it would be made in my kitchen...  eventually ;)

What I did discover, is that this can be frozen!  I prepped the recipe below in two baking dishes (a 9" square and 3" square), baking the smaller one right away and freezing the larger one.    Provided a portable breakfast when I needed it, and another portion to enjoy with loved ones!

Kale & Spinach Strata
adapted from Gourmet, as found on Smitten Kitchen and Eggs on Sunday
serves 8-12

A perfect blend of my two favorite greens, this strata was hearty and comforting.    A great way to start off the day, but perfect for any meal as it can be reheated!

1 10oz bag frozen spinach, thawed
1 head kale, washed
1 medium onion, diced
1T butter
1t salt, divided
1/2t black pepper, divided
1/4t freshly grated nutmeg
8c cubed bread (I used Nature's Pride Honey Wheat)
4-5oz finely grated cave-aged gruyere (~1 1/4c)
2 3/4c milk
1c egg whites (or substitute)
6 eggs
2T whole grain Dijon mustard

De-stem kale leaves and roughly chop, set aside.   Squeeze thawed spinach dry (using a dish towel or paper towels), and roughly chop.

Melt butter in a nonstick skillet over medium-low heat.  Add onion and cook for 5-10min, until it begins to soften.  Add kale, cover and cook for ~5min.  Remove cover, stir and cook another 5min.  Stir in spinach and cook a few more minutes.  Season with 1/2t salt, 1/4t pepper and nutmeg.  Remove from heat and set aside.

Spray a 9x13 pan with cooking spray.  Spread 1/2 of the bread cubes in the bottom of the dish, followed by 1/2 spinach/kale mixture and 1/2 gruyere.   Repeat.

Combine remaining ingredients in a large bowl (milk, eggs and whites, Dijon, 1/2t salt and 1/4t pepper).  Whisk together and pour over strata.  Cover with plastic wrap or foil and chill in the fridge overnight (at least 8hrs).

When ready to bake, let strata stand at room temperature a bit (~30min).  Preheat the oven to 350deg.  Bake the strata, uncovered, in the middle of the oven for 45-55min, until puffed, golden brown and cooked through.  Let stand 5-10min before serving.

To freeze unbaked strata, cover with a layer of plastic wrap and then foil.  Freeze after chilling 8hrs, just be careful to keep it on an even surface until it has frozen!  When ready to prepare strata, bake unthawed (after removing plastic wrap and foil) at 350deg for 55-75min, until golden brown and cooked through.  Let stand 5-10min before serving.


Lisa (bakebikeblog) said...

This looks like my kinda dish!! YUMMO!

Fun and Fearless in Beantown said...

This would be an awesome dish to make for brunch or when you're having company for breakfast! I love that you can freeze it ahead of time!

Joanne said...

I have been CRAVING greens lately! Maybe I'm having some sort of vitamin deficiency that only they can fulfill? this strata sounds delicious!

Mother Rimmy said...

I love the greens in this strata. Kale is one of my favorite greens. It's inexpensive and so good for you. This looks delicious!

Lauren said...

I'd be all over this on a breakfast-for-dinner night! The gruyere sounds like the perfect cheesy accompaniment.

brandi said...

I love stratas - or any type of baked egg dish :) Especially with greens. It adds such great color!

Anonymous said...

Delicious strata with kale and spinach, an excellent brunch dish!

Elina (Healthy and Sane) said...

I love stratas - not only are they delicious, they're a great way to use up some stale bread! :)

Kelly said...

It's been way too long since I've made a good strata. Given how uninspired I often am when it comes to making breakfast, I really should make one soon!

Ricki said...

I love the fact that you have not one, but two kinds of greens in this! Now, if only I could find a sub for the eggs, cheese and milk. . . ! ;)

Alisa Fleming said...

The flavors you use look like the perfect compliment to the greens ... and definitely a freezable dish! I forget about creating frozen dishes for breakfast, so much easier!

Kerstin said...

What a great way to get in some greens in the morning! Love the gruyere in it too!

Esi said...

I wish my oven was working! I have several strata recipes that I need to make. Looks good.

Monet said...

This would be such a great way to start my day! Kale and about some great nutrition! And I love that this can be made ahead and frozen. Thank you so much for sharing. May your Sunday burst forth with joy and love.

Erica said...

YUM that looks awesome. Love all the greens in there. And having a frozen version is just fabulous. Especially for drop in guests

Unknown said...

gotta love the strata! ANd you can freeze it for later? perfect. :)

Peggy said...

This sounds delicious! I love that you have an extra one for when another craving hits!

Maris said...

Most of the stratas I make are SO not good for you. Glad to see a healthier rendition!

Val said...

This has my name all over!! I've been addicted to greens these past few weeks.

Natalie said...

oooh never tried kale in a strata but i love the sound of it!!

Reeni said...

My two favorite greens too! Love this healthy and comforting dish!

Meghan@travelwinedine said...

Thank you for sharing the fact that this freezes well! I am always looking to save as much leftover food as possible. I could see single servings of this being excellent to pop out for breakfast or even dinner!

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